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SERVICES from Plan for Learning & Living

Pay your bill. Click on the title and enter your payment. You will receive an email receipt. THANK YOU for working with me to improve life and learning.

Premium Members Area Content. One month, $9.95. YOU WILL BE SENT A PASSWORD FOR ENTRANCE. ALLOW 24-48 hours to receive your new password. Click on Premium Members Area on the main menu. This is a monthly subscription that allows the member to download activities from the library, writings, podcasts, resources, and mini courses all around neurodevelopment and the sensory-motor approach.

 Consult 30 min. $55.00. Consults can be in person or on the phone or online. These sessions are to explore questions or decisions that go beyond a regular session.

Reflex Session 75 min. $190.00. Includes intake of history, goal(s) identification, reflex checks according to needs, in office activities, and short training on a home program of activities.

Full Sensory-Motor Assessment and Program. $2,820.00   Includes Full 2-hour assessment, written report, 2-hour training, one 75-minute fine tune program review, and six 75-minute program reviews. All emails and phone calls about the program are included.




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