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What is Sensory-Motor Development?

Sensory-Motor Development is the maturing process for body and brain communication.

The upper brain (cortex) is where we have conscious thinking and learning. Our lower brain (brainstem/cerebellum) is basically in charge of automatic reactions in our body. These two parts of the brain need to connect and mature together. If they do not, splintered development can occur. In splintered development one or more of the areas of  mental, emotional, physical or social function is less matured or delayed and may not be in sync with the other areas. This causes frustration in the individual with these differences and confusion in those trying to help or relate to the person.

The lower brain can misread sensory-motor information from the body and send in emergency signals to the upper brain. The upper brain is often not conscious of the basis of these signals. As a result, anxiety, fear, controlling behaviors, apathy and many other thoughts and feelings may be experienced.
The autonomic nervous system which calms and excites our body-brain system may get out of balance. The functioning of the autonomic nervous system greatly affects our behavior and ability to learn and act in the world.

The sensory-motor system can be altered throughout life.

Here are just a few ways it can be altered:

  • Position in utero

  • Trauma before or during birth

  • Atypical birth

  • Issues with immature reflexes

  • Cycles of failure or trauma

  • Accidents

  • Genetics inclinations

  • Aging


Outcomes of sensory-motor concerns

  • Emotional behavior

  • Social behavior

  • Anxiety

  • Nervousness

  • Motor issues

  • Memory

  • Attention

  • Energy levels

  • Sleep

  • Personal habits

  • Vision and hearing

  • Learning


Some sensory-motor development differences in people have been
categorized and labeled.
Others are unique to the individual:

  • Puzzling Behaviors

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Asperger’s Syndrome

  • Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD)

  • Dyslexia

  • Motor issues

  • Sensory Issues

Call for more information or to make an appointment today. 
You will be amazed at how neuroplasticity and your own development can be harnessed to improve function, learning and behavior.

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